"Travel isn't always pretty. It isn't always comfortable. It hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that's okay. The journey changes you; it should change you."

- Anthony Bourdain

What do you mean..a trip with my teen?

My journey as a travel designer began with some pretty personal reasons, mainly because of how deeply my oldest son's lifetime disability affected our family dynamics.  Given my son's long-term illness and the amount of time we spent in hospitals, it became a real challenge for us to plan and go on trips as a whole family. I started taking my other 2 children on one-on-one trips, including overseas, as I wanted them to see the world. 

These one-on-one adventures ended up bringing us closer together in ways I never expected. I seemed to hit the goldmine for creating amazing memories, having heart-to-heart chats, and truly getting to know each other. Trust me, trying to navigate through a foreign country in a stick-shift car and stalling out in a crazy roundabout will teach you and your kids some serious communication skills! It was during those trips that I discovered how incredible it is to have uninterrupted, focused experiences with your teens.

I want to make sure other parents have those 1:1 experiences with their teens. They will be leaving home before you know it.

So let’s get started!