Take Flight Travel Design, LLC

My specialty is designing individualized trips – taking your grand idea and bringing it to reality. Learning what you’re interested in so I can find those obscure places and plan an epic road trip around Europe, a river cruise on the Mekong River, or maybe even a journey to the North Pole!

Even if your grand idea is a much needed long weekend to Napa Valley or Charleston, South Carolina, I have you covered with hotel, restaurants and activities.

About Me

I am a lifelong traveler who feels like there isn’t enough time to see everything the world has to offer! I graduated with a degree in journalism, and after a month-long trip to Europe came back to work as a tour guide in the U.S.

Leading tours from LA to NYC across the southern half of the States was an amazing experience filled with white-water rafting, bungee-jumping, hot air balloons and sharing our country with visitors from around the world. I loved exploring our cities like New Orleans, Memphis, San Francisco as well as our national parks.

From that experience I went on to move to Australia and live there for a year. I was lucky enough to travel and experience the great cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and the natural wonders of the Great Barrier Reef and the Nullarbor Plain.

World travel went on hold as I married and built a family with three children. My oldest had severe disabilities, but we learned to adapt and still travel around the U.S. with a mountain of medical equipment. My ‘office job’ as a Project Manager of software development during the last 20 years has honed my skills in organization, project planning and research which easily translate to my role as travel advisor.

I’m excited to be back in the travel industry and I am having a blast learning about my clients and planning their dream trips!

~Elizabeth Rohrer